Wednesday, April 8, 2009

GM's thingy...

This is going to be quick, because there is no debate....

It is easy to see why a corporation is going broke when they are wasting money building shit no one would ever buy.  How about make a hydrogen powered car that looks like a normal car and drives like a normal car.  Problem solved.  


Sunday, April 5, 2009

AT&T and its Unions

In response to this article: Found Here 

I fully agree with AT&T's argument.  Now, I also haven't gone deeper into these issues to see what other terms and conditions apply the contract between AT&T and its workers, but I am still mad that the Union is taking this stand.  As an AT&T shareholder, I believe that it is in my best interest for management to control costs and drive profitability.  If the national average of Health care costs, paid by workers, is 34% and the AT&T Union is only paying 8%, then I say they are getting a great deal and something should be changed.  The Union could take on 20% of the costs and still be way ahead of the national average.  They see this as a loss thought, because they gave something up and the corporation, on paper got stronger.  That is not the case.  All you need to do is look at the auto industry to understand why.

Before I get into that, I just want to say that the auto industry unions are not the sole cause of that industry's problems, but they are a contributor.  When a corporation can shed costs and stay competitive, it can weather financial storms and economic cycles and keep people employed.  This is what a lot of Unions don't get.  They see things only int he short-term.  If your company fails because it was unable to remain profitable - due to high cost structures, then it doesn't matter how long you stood your ground for.  Simple lesson of business, the companies that can keep their costs in check and remain highly profitable, usually do not go out of business.

The last major piece of that article is an argument that is used time and time again.  Its the old battle of apparent "haves and have nots."  Here you find a group of people claiming that because someone can afford something than they should pay for it.  Just like so many people believe that because "upper class" families can afford to pay more taxes, they should pay more taxes.   Where is the "fair" in that?  Fair would be the company paying half and the Union paying half.  That's fair.  Fair would be one flat tax rate.  The list can go on. 

I hope AT&T does not cave and sheds some of the costs of Health care.  If their employees don't like it....lay them off, I hear unemployment is fairly high right now.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Gary Johnson

I want to know more about him.  I have heard that people in New Mexico either loved him or hated him.  No one seems to be in the middle. Now, speculation aside, I also want to know if there has been anything in stone as far as his bid for the Whitehouse in 2012.

The reason I ask is that many Ron Paul supporters feel he is a younger version.  Someone cut from the same fabric.  Those are good things on paper, but if he is not a good speaker or has some serious skeletons in his closet, those should be known about sooner rather than later.  The Republican party has suffered from a major lack of charisma over the past few years and if you don't think its important...look who is in office now.  The media kills people that are not well spoken and we all know tha tmost people live off of NBC.  The only way to combat that is to send someone out that looks important and can speak to people.  Not sound like a robot commanding a brick wall to believe in it.

Either way, I hope we actully find some change that we can beieve in.

Nancy Pelosi...

Might be the devil.  By "might" I mean I am pretty sure.  I watched the Congressional debates last night on C-span between my classes to see what she had to say about her "budget" and this is what I got out of it (more/less).

Blah Blah the republicans had their chance and they couldn't figure it out so I am going to have an abortion on the American citizens blah blah Barney Frank Blah Blah.

Now I am not a fan of this budget, but the way that its being rammed down our throats is retarded.  Not to mention the ZERO mainstream media coverage.  Mrs. Obama hugs the Queen of England...24/7 coverage.  Congress increases the deficit by 1.2 trillion....crickets.

I'll come up with my own plan soon so stay tuned.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Begining....

So clearly I need an intro post.  So here we go!

My goals for this blog are to share, with my huge audience, all my thoughts about current events, politics, business, law and technology.  I'll do some news and other posts of that nature, but for the most part I just want to share my opinions.  In a perfect situation, I would like to see thoughtful and constructive ideas being tossed around.  So ya that's basically it in a nutshell.  I'm sure this will evolve over time.

Email me at if you have any thoughts or questions.