Friday, April 3, 2009

Gary Johnson

I want to know more about him.  I have heard that people in New Mexico either loved him or hated him.  No one seems to be in the middle. Now, speculation aside, I also want to know if there has been anything in stone as far as his bid for the Whitehouse in 2012.

The reason I ask is that many Ron Paul supporters feel he is a younger version.  Someone cut from the same fabric.  Those are good things on paper, but if he is not a good speaker or has some serious skeletons in his closet, those should be known about sooner rather than later.  The Republican party has suffered from a major lack of charisma over the past few years and if you don't think its important...look who is in office now.  The media kills people that are not well spoken and we all know tha tmost people live off of NBC.  The only way to combat that is to send someone out that looks important and can speak to people.  Not sound like a robot commanding a brick wall to believe in it.

Either way, I hope we actully find some change that we can beieve in.

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